Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website are entirely my own and do reflect those of my employer or any other organisation.
Mythbusting Impact
Quick Overview
1. In Norway: Journal on the Spinach decimal error mythbusting written by
Ole Bjørn Rekdal. And by same author on a website: Here http://www.forskning.no/artikler/2012/mai/321098
2. Is Popeye eating the wrong stuff?
Earlier influence (pre 2012) :
1. Ig-Nobel Prize winner
Dr Karl S. Kruszelnicki, Julius Sumner Miller Fellow, The Science Foundation for Physics, School of Physics, Building A-28, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006
2. Nutritionist Glenn Cardwell
3. Nutrition site: http://deconstructingdelicious.com/tag/vitamin-a/
4. Influence upon an imunohaematologist
5. Influence upon comic book character experts:
6. Skepsis blog (Netherlands) on the Spinach Myth http://www.skepsis.nl/blog/2011/03/de-komma-van-ijzer-in-spinazie-en-popeye-de-mythe/#comments You can translate this page using Google translate
7. Influence upon Samuel Arbesman (Author of "The half-Life of facts": http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/09/opinion-errors-knowledge-crowdfixing/ and here: